Sediment Corers
Sediment Corers are used to sample the organisms that live on or just below
the surface of the ocean floor (the benthos), while displaying the structure
of the sediment. Sediment Corers work by boring a large tube into the
benthos and then bringing up a column, or core, of sediment intact within
the tube. Caps can automatically seal off the ends of the core after it has
pulled up a sample, protecting the sample and keeping it intact. Different
sizes and approaches work with different organisms and sediment types. With
benthic corers, scientists obtain samples containing organisms (including
the very small ones, microbes) found in the benthos, as they are found
naturally. Scientists can then identify what species are in the sediment as
well as how abundant they are. Other information can also be gained, such as
how they live and move in the sediment. This technology minimizes injury to
potentially delicate organisms whether from shallow coastal waters or from
abyssal depths.
A large sediment corer being recovered after collecting a sample of the
ocean floor. (NOAA Ocean Explorer) |
A core of seafloor sediment being collected by the mechanical arm of a
manned submersible. (NOAA Ocean Explorer) |
Samples taken by a boxcore, showing the details of sediment layers
preserved using this technique. (J.E. Broda, Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institute) |
An intact core sample taken by hand during a coastal biodiversity survey.
(NaGISA) |
Click on the links below to see what Census projects use this technology:
