Two New Publications By Census Scientists
A recently released special issue of Zootaxa, entitled “Deep-sea taxonomy -
a contribution to our knowledge of biodiversity,” focuses on the Deep Sea Taxonomic work of CeDAMar.The issue features articles on new species and other discoveries from the Southern Ocean, the Southeast Atlantic, Brazil, The Northeast Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean and the Eastern Pacific.The full issue is available online at Zootaxa.
A special issue of Deep Sea Research II that was released online in late April 2009 is based on COMARGE research. The volume, entitled “Deep-sea environment and biodiversity of the West African equatorial margin” and edited by Myriam Sibuet, highlights the work of the Biozaire multidisciplinary deep-sea environment program from 2000-2005. It is available online from Science Direct in “Articles in Press".
Another publication, scheduled for release in mid-June 2009, is a book on the biodiversity of the Gulf of Mexico, written and edited by Census affiliates from the Harte Research Institute. This volume details some 15,419 species from 40 phyla that inhabit the Gulf of Mexico and was written by 140 authors, from 80 institutions/organizations in 15 countries.More information is available on the Harte Research Institute website.